Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hurry, Hurry

French fries and ketchup. 
Love at first sight!
Hurry up and wait is a given in any adoption process.
Right now we are again in the wait part.
Waiting for John's passport.
Waiting and hoping and praying that it arrives before the week closes so that we can go home this weekend.
John had his medical and first embassy appointment today.  Typical Nalle fashion... what usually takes a few hours took quite a few more.  Oh My!!  That leaves one more embassy appointment but we cannot have that appointment without a passport. 
 So we wait. 
And we pray that it comes because we really long to be home. 
We are spending our days walking the streets of the city in order to keep two little boys worn out, occupied and out of trouble.
Sometimes it works.

 Hurry passport, hurry.


  1. that medical appointment is killer. we waited 8 hours one day and didn't even get seen!!

  2. Aaron's smiles -- oh my -- he looks SO HAPPY!

  3. Oh girl! I've been following every post (stalking is more like it) and every step. I'm praying his passport comes quickly. Oh how I remember! PRAYING!!!! HUGS!!!!

  4. They are so sweet!
    And I noticed John's tee shirt! Designed by his brother! <3

  5. Praying and believing for swift passport delivery! Be still my heart, John wearing Aaron's shirt.

  6. We are praying!!!! Dear Heavenly Father please help the pass port come quickly so that we can have our beloved Nalle family back in the US of A!!! (((((((((((HUGS)))))))

  7. Praying for all and for wings on the passport.

  8. John looks great in his shirt!!! He will make a wonderful American. I am so thankful he has you and you have him. We are praying your home.

  9. Two boys in one transport wheelchair reminds me of our last adoption.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!