It's too fast.
You were just a tiny baby yesterday.

Ben's bestest buddy in the entire world!

A personality that kept us on our toes.

Sid Sawyer at his finest!

Ben's bestest buddy in the entire world!
A personality that kept us on our toes.
Too fast you have grown...
Still best buddies...
Our blonde haired dimpled little boy.
The PERFECT Jack Sparrow
Sid Sawyer at his finest!

You are Eighteen today.
This is the 2nd year in row where I'm not able to be home for your birthday.
I'm posting this early early in the morning as I am heading to Ohio for a convention. You are asleep in your bed and all I can do is whisper birthday wishes and prayers as I quietly walk out the door.
It's not fair I miss hugging you on your 18th birthday.
It's a pretty special day.
Your quick wit and quirky sense of humor leaves us in stitches and scratching our heads at the same time.
People think you are shy and reserved.
Not at our family table.
Not when you are talking politics or science or engineering or history. Now when you are critiquing movies and graphics.
Not when you are talking politics or science or engineering or history. Now when you are critiquing movies and graphics.
Not when you are on stage. There has been no part too small or too large or too serious or too wacky you aren't willing to do.
Not when you are singing. Not at all when you are singing!
You're eighteen today.
I'm going to miss giving you your birthday hug today.
Happy Eighteenth Birthday my one of a kind son!!
I love you all the way to the moon and back....