What do you do when you get notice that it will be ugly sweater day at school in two days and no one has an ugly sweater and the last thing you want to do is go to the store????
You make your own!!
We didn't make Little Girl's.... I bought her adorable Christmas outfit last April when it was on sale.
But all the boys had were matching PJ pants and red shirts.
But with a bit of felt and some beads and string...
We happily made our own!!
To match Little sister's....
Thank you to everyone who took the time to click on Ernest's picture.
He went over the 1,000 wall and beyond.
To all those who reached out in the last few days to thank me for reminding them about the Angel Tree/MACC... Your Welcome.
And here is your reminder again....
As of this evening...
60 babes still need to cross the 1,000 wall.
Yesterday morning I took the bit of Christmas money I had and was able to bump a child or two over the wall.
It was the best part of my day yesterday.
Those babes had NO IDEA I loved on them for a few minutes.
Their future families (Oh please families step up) will never know that I gave to their little one to help bring them home.
It doesn't matter to me that they are unaware.
The pleasure is in the act.
Knowing that in the future - my little gift is going to make it a tiny bit easier on a family.
Do me a favor.
Just click THIS LINK.
Scroll down and look at all the faces of all the children.
The top 9 children have families who are racing across the ocean to get them.
The rest...
They are waiting.
And waiting.
Go click.
Look through the waiting babes.
11 years ago I did.
I had NO INTENTION of adopting at that point.
Not international. Not special needs.
I clicked because someone shared.
I picked three children off the tree that year and gave to their grant accounts.
I felt good.
I felt like I had done something beautiful and holy.
I had no intention of adopting.
But after Christmas I went back.
I looked again.
I looked for those three children.
And then I clicked farther into the website.
And a little face popped up at me.
And the rest is history.
He wasn't on the Angel Tree.
Yet God used the Angel Tree to break my heart.
He used the Angel Tree to connect me to that picture.
So each year I yell.
Knowing that somewhere - someone might just CLICK HERE.
And they may just give and that is amazing and wonderful.
And they may go back.
Look again.
And the Holy Spirit just may speak.
So click. Look. Pray. Give, so that we can get all the babes over 1,000. And if you feel called by the Lord - Adopt!!