Because why not!!
Everyone needs 2 kittens in a quarantine!
Everyone needs a good chuckle...
And the two newest members of our family have definitely added the chuckle!
Brother and sister
They make great lap warmers!
And provide a great excuse for taking a nap... I'm babysitting the babies!!

They keep a certain little girl entertained...
They are purrrrfect for us in this season of isolation
And stress...
In terms of business - Conventions are canceled or moved to later dates... This has created a massive amount of juggling and adjusting.
We are in a huge learning curve as we are forced to join on-line conventions and record speaking sessions and design ads and figure out social media and on and on.
Can I just say that speaking in front of a filled auditorium causes me little stress - I truly enjoy it, but stick a mike and camera in my face and I freeze.
It just is not the same!!
Teaching through ZOOM was close to the same stress.
I LOVE teaching.
I love engaging with my students.
But sitting in front of a computer screen and trying to engage a screenful of faces is a challenge that wore me out each week. I am glad that our last ZOOM classes ended this past week. But ending was bitter-sweet. Saying goodbye to a screenful of kids just broke my heart. I have 6 classes filled with kids and I had to ZOOM them away. Hitting the 'end session' each time felt so wrong.
And Mary...
Little girl has taken another turn for the worse.
She had been doing so much better but in the last few weeks she has deteriorated and we are struggling to understand why. Nothing changed. But something changed. Scary. Frustrating.
We are waiting on bloodwork results and anticipating next steps. We have paperwork in to the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP). Our neuro wanted us to get a 2nd opinion so we are heading there when we get the word.
Between now and then we have to figure out what to do about her tanking.
Through it all we are hanging in...
Enjoying our newest members...
Keeping busy working, homeschooling, gardening and playing!