Altogether we raised $48,708.24 for our Mulligan Stew...
519 people donated!

"A Common Stew for an Uncommonly Good Cause!"
Our Mulligan Stew is a tasty community stew that will feed a whole host of orphans, because a whole host of Godly people from the adoption community threw a whole host of great ingredients into our stew pot.
There are 90 items simmering away in our stew pot. The total value of all of these items is well over $4,500.00. Every single one of these donated items has been accompanied by whispered prayers that God will multiply the gift.
There are 90 items simmering away in our stew pot. The total value of all of these items is well over $4,500.00. Every single one of these donated items has been accompanied by whispered prayers that God will multiply the gift.
Our stew's been simmering for well over a week now. We've been praying for the Lord's blessing on this meal. We've also been learning the stories of all of those whom we've invited to share in this meal.
Now we just need YOU to help us care for the orphan.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'"
Since the idea for this Mulligan Stew Giveaway began with 17-year-old Maria's desire to have a family above all else....
You can enter our giveaway just by making a tax-deductible donation to Maria (Masha) and her siblings (Heim family). I'll leave the amount of your donation between you and the Lord. They need $35,000 to adopt all four children.
That's it. One donation to Maria and her siblings puts your name in our giveaway, with a chance to win one of these 90 great prizes.
After that, we'd like you to choose one, two or several more children and families from the list below that you feel led to help. The number of donations, and the amounts, are totally up to you.
As an added incentive for making extra donations, we've come up with this simple point system:
We'll put one entry beside your name for every $5 that you donate. However, at certain levels of giving, you'll also receive extra entries. At the $20 level, you'll receive 1 extra entry-- instead of 4 entries, you'll receive 5. At the $35 level, you'll receive 2 extra entries-- instead of 7 entries, you'll receive 9. There are 3 extra entries at the $50 level, 4 extra at the $75 level, 5 extra at the $100 level, and so on. If all of that's too confusing, just refer to this chart:
After that, we'd like you to choose one, two or several more children and families from the list below that you feel led to help. The number of donations, and the amounts, are totally up to you.
As an added incentive for making extra donations, we've come up with this simple point system:
We'll put one entry beside your name for every $5 that you donate. However, at certain levels of giving, you'll also receive extra entries. At the $20 level, you'll receive 1 extra entry-- instead of 4 entries, you'll receive 5. At the $35 level, you'll receive 2 extra entries-- instead of 7 entries, you'll receive 9. There are 3 extra entries at the $50 level, 4 extra at the $75 level, 5 extra at the $100 level, and so on. If all of that's too confusing, just refer to this chart:
$10.00 - 2 entries
$20.00 - 5 entries
$35.00 - 9 entries
$50.00 - 13 entries
$75.00 - 19 entries
$100.00 - 25 entries
$150.00 - 36 entries
$200.00 - 47 entries
$250.00 - 58 entries
$500.00 - 110 entries
There is also another way to earn entries: by sharing our Giveaway on Facebook, Twitter or your own blog. After you've donated, just leave a comment on my blog to let me know that you've shared as well. Every share gets you an entry.
When our Mulligan Stew Giveaway ends, we'll choose a winner for each prize by drawing random numbers from The more entries there are beside your name, the more chances you'll have to win something great!
- Use the links below to go to the sites where these wonderful adoptive families and children are receiving donations. Follow the directions there to make your generous donations.
- THEN, come back to this blog and leave a comment to let me know two things: (1) that you donated to Maria (Heim family), and (2) the total amount that you donated to ALL of the children and families that you chose to help. Because I always moderate my comments, I will be able to keep this information private.
- If you prefer not to leave a comment, you can e-mail me at
- None of the money that you donate will flow through our hands; it will all go directly to the people who need it.
- This Giveaway will end on March 31.
Please use these links to make your generous donations:
$35,000.00 needed

Keith (4)
The Unroe family blog
They are adopting Keith as well as 4 other children from other institutions.
$11,000 needed
The Unroe family blog
They are adopting Keith as well as 4 other children from other institutions.
$11,000 needed
Teddy (7), Val (7), and Steward (8 1/2)
The Archer family blog
They are bringing home all three of these sweet boys!
The Archer family blog
They are bringing home all three of these sweet boys!
$13,000 needed
Angelina Mariana (5)
The Carpenter family blog
Find the instructions for donating to the Carpenter family on their sidebar.
The Carpenter family blog
Find the instructions for donating to the Carpenter family on their sidebar.
Kelton and Teagon are listed as Steven and Tommy on their Reece's Rainbow accounts.
$2,000.00 needed

$8,000.00 needed
$17,000 needed

The Sousa family is also adopting one more little guy from another orphanage.
$3,000.00 needed

BABY N (3)
(no picture)
Fully Funded PLEASE PRAY!! Fully Funded PLEASE PRAY!!
Both of these girls desperately need our prayers!! They are tiny and weak.

Our Lost Boys
You can donate to the Lost Boys through Harvest International. Click on THIS LINK and designate your gift to Alyona and Slavik for the Lost Boys. All donations to Harvest International are Tax Deductible.
CLICK HERE to go to the Lost Boys Boutique and support the Lost Boys while you shop.
100% of the proceeds support the Lost Boys.
Here's the list. To see pictures of each item go to the pictures and descriptions below~~
Total value is over $4,500.00.
Here's the list. To see pictures of each item go to the Mulligan Stew menu link at the top of the blog!
Total value is over $4,500.00.
- 3RD GENERATION iPAD 16GB WiFi with engraving - $500.00 value - donated by S.
- Kindle Fire Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi - $200.00 value - donated by Molly
- Kindle Fire Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi - $200.00 value - donated by Kelly
- Extra $250.00 donation to a waiting child of the winner’s choice
- Extra $100.00 donation to a waiting child of the winner's choice
- Extra $50.00 donation to a waiting child of the winner’s choice
- 250.00 gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond
- 250.00 gift card to Best Buy
- $100.00 gift card to Vintage Pearl
- $100.00 iTunes gift card
- $50.00 gift card of your choice
- $50 gift card to Bath and Body Works
- $25.00 gift card to Old Navy
- $25.00 gift card to Fandango
- $25.00 Kindle gift card
- $25.00 iTunes gift card
- $25.00 gift certificate to - This gift certificate will also benefit Lilly 3G on RR
- $15.00 gift certificate to Vadas Creation
- $5.00 gift card to Walmart
- $5.00 gift card to Walmart
- Beautifully and lovingly made Afghan by the M. family - $100.00 value
- PUPPY EYES stained glass by Martha Walker - $50.00 value
- Handmade Dr. Seuss quilt for a Double bed with ornate and detailed quilting by Heather Vitella- $400.00 value
- Owl purse handmade with love by Brenda - $20.00 value
- Owl purse handmade with love by Brenda - $20.00 value
- Happy Hartman Handmade soap - $15.00 value
- Happy Hartman Handmade soap - $10.00 value
- 4 Handmade potholders - Made with hands of love - PRICELESS
- Beautiful Dresser Scarf - $10.00 value
- Chain crocheted by seven year old Maggie, who has a very big heart for orphans - Value: PRICELESS!!
- Set of cards from Africa - lovingly purchased from an African man in a handcart wheelchair - Priceless
- Set of cards from Africa - lovingly purchased from an African man in a handcart wheelchair - Priceless
- Set of cards from Africa - lovingly purchased from an African man in a handcart wheelchair - Priceless
- E-reader/ipad cover by Missy Breen - $8.00 value
- Tag blanket by Shelly Berman - $10.00 value
- Two very cute hand puppets by Missy Breen - $12.00 value
- Monkey receiving blanket by Kaitlyn - $15.00 value
- Pooh receiving blanket by Kaitlyn - $15.00 value
- Flower receiving blanket by Kaitlyn - $15.00 value
- Beautiful handmade child's quilt donated by Amanda Burlingham - $45.00 value
- Homemade hair clips and bow by Jamie Lentz - $20.00 value
- Melissa and Doug Vehicle Puzzles in a Box Set - $12.00 value
- 100% Highland newborn Booties and Aviatrix baby hat - $20.00 value
- ART GIFT SET (Crayola and Elmer's products) - $50.00 value
- Handmade doll by Becky Wangerin - $29.00 value
- 2 handmade grosgrain ribbon bows. One of the bows is a ladybug and the other is a butterfly. Plus a bow organizer/holder for the bows. It is a wooden cloud with a long ribbon attached. By Alissa - $15.00 value
- Scrabble tile pendant with ball chain necklace. The picture is of a little juice box. By Alissa - $8.00 value
- Scrabble tile necklace with ball chain necklace. The picture is of a flower. By Alissa - $8.00 value
- Handmade bird's nest silver wire wrapped pendant necklace with 3 blue eggs and simple silver chain. By Alissa - $15.00 value
- Can You Say Sew - t-shirt - You get to Pick!! - $12.00 value
- Calling Orphans Home t-shirt -You get to Pick!! - $25.00 value
- Kate Spade Black Leather Handbag - $295.00 value
- Utility tote - $30.00 value
- Metro bag - $52.00 value
- Lia Sophia necklace and bracelet - $188.00 value
- BEAUTIFUL pendant handmade by Sarah - You get to design!! - $15.00 value
- Shamrock earrings (handmade) by Christina Reed - they are raising money for their adoption with these earrings - - $8.00 value
- Tiffany & Co. Revere 1 3/4 Qt. Crystal Bowl 7 3/4 Dia. - $70.00 value
- Antique Salad Servers (circa 1914) - $60.00 value
- Lladro: The Bridesmaid - $355.00 value
- Walt Disney Classics Collection Timon "Luau" - $64.00 value
- Walt Disney Classics Collection Snow White "Won't you smile for me?" - $75.00 value
- BIBLE STUDY GUIDE - (includes Teacher's Guide Unit 1, Student Pages Beginner Level 4 sets, Beginner Time Line and Bible Book Summary Cards (b/w) - $100.00 value
- Christian Books on CD Lot One - Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis -New (opened), How Good is good enough? by Andy Stanley, I Am Not But I Know I AM by Louie Giglio -New (opened), What Good is God? by Philip Yancey -New (opened), Just As I Am by Billy Graham - $50.00 value
- Christian Books on CD Lot Two - HOLY Discontent by Bill Hybels -New (opened), Radical by David Platt -New (opened), Rumors of Another World by Philip Yancey -Like new, Six Hours One Friday by Max Lucado -New (opened) - $35.00 value
- Christian DVD Lot - The Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Forbidden Book (The History of the English Bible) - $50.00 value
- The Daily Message-through the Bible in One Year (entire Bible on audio CDs, organized by daily reading) -New (opened) - $10.00 value
- Digital Personalized Scrapbook - 25-50 page scrapbook - by Amanda Holmes - $100.00 value
- A Daybook of Grace: A Year of Devotions to Draw You Near to the Heart of God - $20.00 value
- “7 – A Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker - $15.00 value
- “7 – A Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker - $15.00 value
- “7 – A Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker - $15.00 value
- E-book - ANCIENT BIBLIOPLAN COMPANION - $39.00 value
- E-book - MODERN BIBLIOPLAN COMPANION - $39.00 value
- Charlotte's Chocolate Factory - winner's choice of brownies, blondies or cookies - $15.00 value
- Charlotte's Chocolate Factory - winner's choice of brownies, blondies or cookies - $15.00 value
- 1 dozen "cake balls" or "cake pops" by Kerri - $25.00 value
- 1 dozen "cake balls" or "cake pops" by Kerri- $25.00 value
- 2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
- 2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
- 2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
- 2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
- Chocolate gift basket - Comes with hand-carved wooden platter made from a Chinese Fir Tree. Basket includes Chocolaty Cherry Amaretto Cheesecake Fondue, White Chocolate Sauce, Hazelnut Zebra Hand-Crafted Biscotti, Chocolate Toffee Hand-Crafted Biscotti, Godiva Milk Chocolate Cashews, Godiva Dark Chocolate Almonds, Godiva Milk Chocolate Strawberries, A Large Assortment of Lindt Cream Filled Lindor Truffles, A Chocolate, Berries, Cookies, Grahams, Crispy Rice & Pecans Bar, A Chocolate, Peanuts, Peanut Butter and Chocolaty Puffs Gourmet Bar, 2 Godiva 3.5oz Dark Chocolate Bars, Godiva Milk Chocolate Bar (3.5oz), Godiva Dark Chocolate Raspberry Bar (3.5oz), Godiva White Chocolate Peppermint Crunch (3.5oz), Rich and Creamy Chocolate Walnut Fudge, Rich and Creamy Vanilla Walnut Fudge, European Delicacies Premium Cookie Assortment (incredible!), Godiva Dark Chocolate Truffle Bar with a Creamy Peppermint Filling, Godiva Milk Chocolate Filled With Caramel, Godiva Dark Chocolate Filled With Raspberries, Ribbon, Wrap and Ivy Enhancements - $200.00 value
- ADD ON GIVEAWAY GIFT.... 8 Beautiful Handmade Cards donated by Kristina
- ANOTHER $60.00 Pick a Child Giveaway
- Pink Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
- White Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
- Black Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
- Green Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
- Blue Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
3rd Generation iPad 16GB WiFi with engraving - $500.00 value - donated by S.
THIS IS THE NEWEST iPad!! I got a spam notice about it in my in-box last Thursday and as I deleted the announcement I wished that I had enough money to donate one to our Giveaway!! Definite wishful thinking!!
About 10 minutes later my wishful thinking turned into reality. Our Giveaway was offered an iPad. Seriously?? By an anonymous donor who had already thrown some nice prizes in our pot!! It has been unbelievable to us to see the love being shown to the orphans in this Giveaway...
(click image of the ipad to view specs from apple)
TWO Kindle Fires - Full Color 7" Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi - $200.00 value - donated by Molly and donated by Kelly
One of these Kindles is being donated by Molly!! She's Aaron's hero.... She is not rich by any standard but gives freely of her little bits of money to this orphan and this family - here, there and everywhere. Well she WON a Kindle Fire after donating her crumbled up bills to a Giveaway a few weeks ago. SHE WON!!! Woo Hoo Molly!! Go enjoy your Fire!! Play games. Read books!!! HAVE FUN!! Not Molly!! What does Molly do??? SHE GIVES HER PRIZE AWAY!! SHE GAVE IT TO THIS GIVEAWAY BECAUSE JACK IS IN THE GIVEAWAY AND SHE WANTS JACK TO FIND A FAMILY!!
Molly - SO DO I!!! So do I!!
And the other Kindle Fire..... donated by Kelly..... She was getting ready to do a Giveaway for a sweet little one on Reece's Rainbow. She wanted to raise money for that little girl so that she could find a family. But WE GOT THE FIRE because the other little girl GOT A FAMILY!! Praise God. THANK YOU KELLY!!
I love stories like that... Love in Action! There are so many more to tell so stick around... Every single Giveaway gift was given with such love!
Win one of these Giveaways and you get to choose ANY waiting child on Reece's Rainbow who does NOT have a family and 90% of the money will be donated into that child's grant account with the other 10% going to Reece's Rainbow Voice of Hope fund.
1. $250.00 to a waiting child of the winner’s choice
2. $100.00 to a waiting child of the winner's choice
3. $50.00 to a waiting child of the winner’s choice
4. $60.00 to a waiting child of the winner's choice
250.00 gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond
250.00 gift card to Best Buy
$250.00 gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond AND #250.00 gift card to Best Buy
Both of these amazing Gift Cards were donated by the same anonymous person. When I announced that I was looking for prizes.... THESE WERE THE FIRST GIFTS OFFERED. Within just a few minutes of my announcement!!! THAT WAS A GREAT CONFIRMATION THAT WE SHOULD DO THIS GIVEAWAY!!
$100.00 gift card to the Vintage Pearl
Many of you will recognize this one... It was first donated to our Passed Over Babes Giveaway but was GIVEN BACK and then it was donated to ANOTHER Giveaway and was AGAIN given back. So here it is again!! Debbie Pasho donated this and she has been a HUGE SUPPORTER ... She is the numbers gal... The one who is adding up all the number for this stew each morning.
$100.00 iTunes gift card PLUS A $25.00 iTunes gift card AND A $25.00 Kindle gift card
Melissa donated TWO iTunes cards and the Amazon Kindle card DESPITE the fact that she has been trying to raise money for HER little Reece's Rainbow guy. His name is Elias and he is a cutie despite the fact that in all his pictures they have him dressed in PINK!! Someone go get that boy. Melissa has worked hard to raise funds for him and because of her efforts - Elias has $2527.50 in his grant account. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if a few dollars were dropped in his hat today!!
$50.00 gift card of your choice
Stephanie Lynch donated this gift card with NO STRINGS ATTACHED but with a wish and a prayer that the older kids would be included. Happily she got her wish!!
$50 gift card to Bath and Body Works
$25.00 gift card to Old Navy TWO $5.00 Gift cards to Walmart
These three cards were donated by Candy with a lot of love and prayers mixed in.
These three cards were donated by Candy with a lot of love and prayers mixed in.
$25.00 gift card to Fandango
This card too was donated with love and prayers by Danielle.
This card too was donated with love and prayers by Danielle.
$25.00 gift certificate to
Christina Schye jumped at the opportunity to participate in this Stew. She donated this gift certificate as a double blessing for all our kids and families and also for Lilly on RR and then she created the FB page to keep everyone informed of Mulligan Stew happenings!! I love her heart and passion!!
Christina Schye jumped at the opportunity to participate in this Stew. She donated this gift certificate as a double blessing for all our kids and families and also for Lilly on RR and then she created the FB page to keep everyone informed of Mulligan Stew happenings!! I love her heart and passion!!
$15.00 gift certificate to Vadas Creation
Katie Evans lovingly donated a gift certificate from her store for our Stew!!
Katie Evans lovingly donated a gift certificate from her store for our Stew!!
Beautifully and lovingly made Afghan by the M. family
The ANONYMOUS donor who made this afghan has been such a huge support. She made it specifically for our Giveaway, and was among the first to e-mail me and offer it for our Mulligan Stew. Her heart is with the orphan! That just makes me cry a bit.
It will be easily worth $100.00 when it is finished!!
And Puppy Eyes...
Seriously, I didn't want to put him in this Giveaway.
My dear, extremely talented friend from college made him and sent him to me months ago. No strings attached. She sent him to me so that I could use him to benefit an orphan, or two, or thirty....or, she also gave me the option of keeping him. Hmmm.... That was a tough one.
Reluctantly, I added him to the Stew....
Parting with him will NOT be sweet. Someone will be getting a very precious gift!
Handmade Dr. Seuss quilt for a Double bed with ornate and detailed quilting by Heather Vitella - $400.00 value.
This quilt is being handmade FOR this Giveaway and it is going to be worth a fortune. I've been told by those who know Heather that the stitching on her quilts is extremely intricate and beautiful. The pictures are NOT the finished quilt... the first photo is just the fabric, the next photo is an example of Heather's quilting and the last four photos are the quilt in process!!
By Heather H.
Heather is making this quilt as a THANK YOU to God for answered prayer. It is a way to sing His praises for what He has done in her life and the life of one of her children. It is a love offering. What a beautiful way to give thanks! Again, I'm tearing up as I write that.
Two different owl purses handmade with love by Brenda. These were made FOR this Giveaway! They have a $20.00 value. They are worn over the shoulder. The inside lining matches the fabric on each of the owls' bellies. They have button eyes and a button closure at the top! Very very cute!!
This soap is handmade by Melanie Hartman, who adopted Judd/Brady from the same institution where we found our Aaron. This soap is offered with love by someone whose heart was broken into a thousand pieces when she saw the way the Lost Boys live in that miserable place. Melanie's husband Ben likes to say that that institution resembles a concentration camp, and he's quite right.
4 Handmade potholders - Made with hands of love - PRICELESS
These potholders and this dresser scarf were donated by Katrina Muysenberg. The potholders were made by Katrina's mom, and the dresser scarf by a friend. Both of these dear ladies are blind, but that doesn't stop them from caring about orphans.
Beautiful Dresser Scarf - $10.00 value
Crocheted chain by seven year old Maggie who has a very big heart for orphans - Value - PRICLESS!!
Maggie also wanted to make something to add to our Giveaway, even though she's only 7. So she crocheted this chain. Whoever wins this will have won a priceless gift. I don't know if I want to part with it, to be honest.
The couple that donated these cards, Kevin and Krista Rideout, holds a special place in my heart. Kevin and Krista are missionaries in Africa. A little over two years ago, they saw Aaron's picture, and their hearts broke over his situation. They prayed about adopting him, but they knew that he would need more than they could give him in Africa. So they contacted a sister, who also prayed about adopting him. Then pregnancy prevented the sister from pursuing him. So instead, both families committed to pray for some Christian family to step forward and adopt Aaron. What a privilege it is for us to know that God answered these faithful believers' prayers through us.
Through the last two years, the Rideouts have continued to encourage and love us from afar. They helped us raise money for Jonah, and have prayed over every orphan that we have highlighted on our blog. Their children have been deeply touched by the orphans on Reece's Rainbow.
I want to share here what Krista wrote to me when I first asked for donations for this Giveaway:
"Your Aaron was the first one I fell in love with, prayed for day and night for weeks, and then rejoiced as he was found by YOU!! Thanks for being so great about blogging and sharing the journey and your heart with us. It's a real ministry to my family. Through this my seven year old (who had the birthday party to raise funds for Jonah/ Tolly last year) has developed a real heart for the disabled. Living in one of the poorest countries in the world, we are surrounded by people with missing limbs, blind, crippled from various accidents or from birth. They often go through programs here training them to make certain crafts, and then they peddle them on the streets to support themselves. We often buy things just because they haven't eaten in a few days, even if we don't need any more cards, wire sculptures, or leather boxes... ;-) She has been surrounded by this since she was almost two years old. But it didn't really sink in until she watched the process with Aaron, and then Jonah, and others. God has been working in her little heart, and I love watching it!
The other day I walked by her room and saw a new handwritten sign on her door. In her own words and spelling, it says this: "How to help handey caped pepel: Give money to kids on resses rainbow. Give wut they need. By from them. Help them. Pray for them. - by Brynn Abigail Rideout
Beside the words is a picture she drew of an African man in a handcart wheelchair. I recognize this man. He sells cards with fabric scenes of Africa on them from his cart just around the corner from our house. In light of this, I would like to buy some cards from him for your giveaway, and make this a "two for one special" if you will. We will help him by buying the cards, and then donate them to you in order to help a child who needs it."
THREE Sets of 10 cards from Africa - lovingly purchased from an African man in a handcart wheelchair - Priceless
E-reader/ipad cover by Missy Breen - $8.00 value
E-reader/ipad cover and two very cute hand puppets by Missy Breen
Check out Vlado's shirt!! Yes, he's a Reece's Rainbow treasure!!! He and Aaron share a birthday, and come from the same country!! TWINS!!! Love my fellow RR families who turn around to bless other orphans and families!!
Two very cute hand puppets by Missy Breen - $12.00 value
Check out Vlado's shirt!! Yes, he's a Reece's Rainbow treasure!!!
Tag blanket by Shelly Berman - $10.00 value
Shelly made this for this Giveaway just a few days before she flew across the ocean to meet her two sweet boys for the first time, Kelton and Teagan.
She's also the mom of sweet Reagan (Tori) and Carrington!!
All three of these receiving blankets were donated by Kaitlyn. She sent them to me with no strings attached a few months ago. She also made Aaron a BEAUTIFUL quilt for his bed and a girl's quilt that is currently in ANOTHER GIVEAWAY to raise funds for Alicia. Another little RR girl who is going to be transferred to a mental institute soon!!

Monkey receiving blanket by Kaitlyn - $15.00 value
Pooh receiving blanket by Kaitlyn - $15.00 value
Whoever wins this is getting a treasure.... You just can't go wrong with Winnie the Pooh!
Flower receiving blanket by Kaitlyn - $15.00 value
Beautiful handmade orphan's quilt donated by Amanda Burlingham - $45.00 value
This quilt was part of another orphan Giveaway and has been gifted to this one by the winner!!! I have it and the picture does NOT do it justice. It is a very nice and very special quilt and I am honored that it is part of what we are doing.
Homemade hair clips and bow by Jamie Lentz - $20.00 value
Homemade hair clips and bow by Jamie Lentz
Jamie humbly donated these hair clips thinking they were but a small gift.. I think they are beautiful!!
8 Beautiful Handmade Cards donated by Kristina
I know I mentioned these before, but they are so beautiful that I am putting them on here again!!!

Melissa and Doug Vehicle Puzzles in a Box Set - $12.00 Value
A Daybook of Grace: A Year of Devotions to Draw You Near to the Heart of God - $20.00 value
Melanie Hansen lovingly donated these two items for our Giveaway. A cool puzzle set and a years worth of devotions!!! THANK YOU MELANIE!!
100% Highland newborn Booties and Aviatrix baby hat - $20.00 value
This precious set was donated by Line-Marie Gagné. Precious Precious!!
ART GIFT SET (Crayola and Elmer's products) - $50.00 Value
This art Gift set and ONE of the PICK A CHILD GIVEAWAYS was donated by Tamara E. Her enthusiasm for our feast has been such a blessing. Her words of encouragement, prayers and donations are lifelines when I have started to panic about what we are doing!!
Handmade doll by Becky Wangerin - $29.00 value
Handmade doll by Becky Wangerin
This doll is really cool. Becky recently donated one to an auction, and it sold for over $60.00!! It is 16" tall and has felt hair, removable felt shoes and a cotton dress. Other than the felt accessories, it is 100% cotton!
This is what Becky wrote about our Stew and making a doll for us to Giveaway....
"The need is so great and its hard to do something and hard to do nothing."
Amen Becky, Amen!!
Alissa donated a whole host of handmade treasures.... all for the orphans in our Giveaway!!
2 handmade grosgrain ribbon bows. One of the bows is a ladybug and the other is a butterfly. Plus a bow organizer/holder for the bows. It is a wooden cloud with a long ribbon attached. By Alissa - $15.00 value
Scrabble tile necklace with ball chain necklace. The picture is of a flower. By Alissa - $8.00 value
Handmade bird's nest silver wire wrapped pendant necklace with 3 blue eggs and simple silver chain. By Alissa - $15.00 value
Can You Say Sew - t-shirt - You get to pick!! $12.00 value
Gwen Smith donated this t-shirt!! I LOVE Gwen!! Actually I love her little guy Henry. He's a home-grown precious treasure and I got to be on his Buddy Walk team a number of years ago!! Gwen is a HUGE RR supporter and also lives close enough that I get to hug her every year at the Virginia Homeschooling Convention!
Calling Orphans Home t-shirt - You get to Pick!! - $25.00 value
I love the gifts that not only support OUR STEW but other adoptions as well. Faith Ewers donated a t-shirt to our Giveaway for a double blessing!! The donation of this shirt will help to raise money for TWO FAMILIES WHO ARE ADOPTING!! Wow!! Go here: to meet those two families!!
Lia Sophia necklace and bracelet - $188.00 value
Amanda Patterson donated this beautiful set. She holds a special place in my heart because she has loved from afar one particular orphan but God hasn't opened the door yet. So she prays and waits and trusts that in HIS TIME she will hold in her arms that special babe who captured her heart long ago. Oh I am praying with her!!
BEAUTIFUL pendant handmade by Sarah - You get to help design your pendant!! - $15.00 value
Pink Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
White Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
Black Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
Green Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
Blue Disciple Cross Necklace - value - $10.00
Wow!! Let me tell you that my boys each have one of these crosses and THEY LOVE THEM. Ben wears his all the time.
Julie Rolf donated these. She LOVES THE LORD and uses these beautiful crosses as a ministry tool to share her faith!! THANK YOU JULIE!!
Julie Rolf donated these. She LOVES THE LORD and uses these beautiful crosses as a ministry tool to share her faith!! THANK YOU JULIE!!
Shamrock earrings (handmade) by Christina Reed - I love this family's blog and I love their household of children. They are raising money for two more RR treasures with these earrings - - So this donation also benefits two very precious little guys!! Fischer and Doyle.
Kate Spade Black Leather Handbag - $295.00 value
Across the street from our house where I grew up lived the cutest little girl with Goldilock curls!! We called her Scooter. Her real name is Jennifer and she was the one who donated this beautiful purse. Facebook helped re-connect us and she has been a BIG FAN of Aaron and all that we do to raise awareness on our blog for the Reece's Rainbow babes! This is a brand spanking new Kate Spade purse still in its wrappings!! THANK YOU SCOOTER!!
Rachel Golden just came home only a few short months ago with two very sweet treasures!! Even though her two little guys are running her socks off... she still makes time to support tons of adoptions!! She does everything she can to advocate for the other families and the orphans on RR. I'm blessed to have her help us with her donation!
Utility tote - $30.00 value
Retro Metro bag - $52.00 value

Tiffany and Co. Revere 1 3/4 Qt. Crystal Bowl 7 3/4 Dia. - $70.00 value
Ben and Elijah took piano lessons for a quite a number of years and this beautiful Tiffany bowl was donated by their former piano teacher, Katie Martin. She supported Aaron's adoption and has been quietly helping out with all our crazy causes ever since. I am so grateful for people in OUR world who GET what we are doing.
Antique Salad Servers (circa 1914) - $60.00 value
These beautiful antique servers were donated by a very special person!! Rosemary Marshall! She is the GRANDMOTHER of all the Reece's Rainbow families who are adopting. Her love for the orphans and her zeal for supporting the families is immeasurable. I keep telling her that when I grow up I want to be just like her. Rosemary is extra-special to me because her twin daughters were friends of mine in high school! PLUS, my mom had the privilege of teacher her twin sons in first grade!!
These three beautiful pieces were donated by TRACY HEIM!!! Maria's soon to be Mama!! The Heim family is willing to sell the shirts off their backs to bring those four kids home. Though these pieces were special presents - they willingly donated them to our Stew to help raise funds to get their babes home!
Lladro: The Bridesmaid - $355.00 value
Walt Disney Classics Collection Timon "Luau" - $64.00 value
Walt Disney Classics Collection Snow White "Won't you smile for me?" - $75.00 value
BIBLE STUDY GUIDE - (includes Teacher's Guide Unit 1, Student Pages Beginner Level 4 sets, Beginner Time Line and Bible Book Summary Cards (b/w) - $100.00 value
This is a great BIBLE STUDY GUIDE for young children. It was donated by Joy Bartsch as soon as she heard about the Giveaway!! I'm hoping a fellow Homeschooling family wins it!!
All these CD and DVD lots were donated by Jim Bain. He was so happy to bless us with them!! I have personally read a whole bunch of these books and LOVED them!! These are great lots!
Christian Books on CD Lot One - Surprised by Joy by C.S. Lewis -New (opened), How Good is good enough? by Andy Stanley, I Am Not But I Know I AM by Louie Giglio -New (opened), What Good is God? by Philip Yancey -New (opened), Just As I Am by Billy Graham - $50.00 value
Christian DVD Lot - The Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Forbidden Book (The History of the English Bible) - $50.00 value
The Daily Message-through the Bible in One Year (entire Bible on audio CDs, organized by daily reading) -New (opened) - $10.00 value
Digital Personalized Scrapbook
This is a really cool gift!! Amanda is willing to digitally scrap 25 to 50 pages of any event, adoption or anything else the winner wants!! It is a one of a kind item made especially for the winner!!

THREE COPIES: “7 – A Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker - $15.00 value
I confess. I had never heard of this book which is rather surprising because I am a HUGE book lover. When these were donated by Sue H. I looked them up to find out about them. SHHHH - Don't tell Rob that he's getting one for his birthday!! I can't wait until he opens his present so I CAN READ THIS BOOK!!
Written by Rob and Julia Nalle
Written by Rob and Julia Nalle
TWO LOTS from Charlotte's Chocolate Factory - winner's choice of brownies, blondies or cookies - $15.00 value
Honestly - Don't the pictures just make your mouth start to water??? I would have a really really hard time time picking!!! The mom who is making this is going to be crossing the ocean in just a few weeks to bring CHARLOTTE home! Go Dirkes family Go!!
TWO LOTS OF 1 dozen "cake balls" or "cake pops" by Kerri - $25.00 value
My sons would DEVOUR those cake pops!! Just saying...
2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
2 loaves of homemade bread and honey by Diana Tyree - $11.50 value
This bread is DELICIOUS! Diana sent us some and we loved it! The honey is from their own bees. We are BIG honey lovers and this honey did not disappoint!
AND THIS GIFT... I had NO IDEA when I was offered a gift basket for our Giveaway that it was going to be THAT RICH!! This is an awesome gift... and the timing is perfect.... This would make an AMAZING Easter Basket!!
Chocolate gift basket - $200.00 VALUE
Comes with hand-carved wooden platter made from a Chinese Fir Tree. Basket includes Chocolaty Cherry Amaretto Cheesecake Fondue, White Chocolate Sauce, Hazelnut Zebra Hand-Crafted Biscotti, Chocolate Toffee Hand-Crafted Biscotti, Godiva Milk Chocolate Cashews, Godiva Dark Chocolate Almonds, Godiva Milk Chocolate Strawberries, A Large Assortment of Lindt Cream Filled Lindor Truffles, A Chocolate, Berries, Cookies, Grahams, Crispy Rice & Pecans Bar, A Chocolate, Peanuts, Peanut Butter and Chocolaty Puffs Gourmet Bar, 2 Godiva 3.5oz Dark Chocolate Bars, Godiva Milk Chocolate Bar (3.5oz), Godiva Dark Chocolate Raspberry Bar (3.5oz), Godiva White Chocolate Peppermint Crunch (3.5oz), Rich and Creamy Chocolate Walnut Fudge, Rich and Creamy Vanilla Walnut Fudge, European Delicacies Premium Cookie Assortment (incredible!), Godiva Dark Chocolate Truffle Bar with a Creamy Peppermint Filling, Godiva Milk Chocolate Filled With Caramel, Godiva Dark Chocolate Filled With Raspberries, Ribbon, Wrap and Ivy Enhancements

Just make a donation or share on your blog or facebook for an entry into this Crazy Fun Giveaway...We are giving away these Giveaway Inside a Giveaway prizes at noon on Saturday (Virginia time).
Just make a donation or share on your blog or facebook for an entry into this Crazy Fun Giveaway...We are giving away these Giveaway Inside a Giveaway prizes at noon on Saturday (Virginia time).
- $10.00 iTunes gift card
- $10.00 iTunes gift card
- $10.00 iTunes gift card
- $10.00 Jamba juice gift card
- $25.00 Jamba juice gift card
- Butterfly necklace from Sarah's Treasure Box
- $25.00 Family Christian Store gift card
- $10.00 Whole Foods gift card
- $$ Starbucks gift card (amount is unknown)
- $$ Starbucks gift card (amount is unknown)
- Set of FOUR decorate your own drinking cups - complete with straws!!
- 15 Glow in the Dark bracelets in a tube!
- 15 Glow in the Dark bracelets in a tube!
- 15 Glow in the Dark bracelets in a tube!
- 15 Glow in the Dark bracelets in a tube!
- 15 Glow in the Dark bracelets in a tube!
- Hip and Earthy Eco sack Bag - Flower Design
- Hip and Earthy Eco sack Bag - Butterfly Design
- Pretty Pink Bags with green handles (smaller bag is insulated)
- Matryoshka doll bracelet - VERY VERY CUTE! - comes in its own bag
- Flower pen - Handcrafted by 12 year old Rachel. The flower part is made 100% out of durable duct tape and the stem is a working, ball-point pen.
- Flower pen - Handcrafted by 12 year old Rachel. The flower part is made 100% out of durable duct tape and the stem is a working, ball-point pen.
- Messenger bag. Handcrafted by Rachel. The messenger bag is made 100% out of durable duct tape through a weaving process that makes this bag not only beautiful but almost indestructible. The bag has a fold-over closure to keep items inside secure.
- Tri-fold wallet. Handcrafted by Rachel and is 100% made from durable duct tape. The wallet has one large pocket for bills, 6 pockets for credit cards and one clear pocket for a drivers license.
- Jeep Shopping Cart & High Chair Cover kelps keep child secure, comfortable & germ free, Installs in seconds, completely covers car seat. Extra padding for seat and back area, 3 point safety harness, "roll & stroll" design for easy portablility, loops to attach small toys and teethers."
- Handmade hairbows by Beth (Beth is adopting two very special treasures and is fundraising for HER adoption but has lovingly offered two hairbows to OUR Giveaway) GO SEE BETH'S BABES HERE!!
A donation to ANY FAMILY puts your name in our giveaway, with a chance to win one of 90 great prizes. To see pictures of ALL these prizes (prepare to be overwhelmed), click THE MULLIGAN STEW LINK HERE.
After that, we'd like you to choose one, two or several more children from the list that you feel led to help. The number of donations, and the amounts, are totally up to you. On our sidebar we have a simple point system based on your donations. Those who share on Facebook, Twitter and their blogs receive entries as well.
When our Mulligan Stew Giveaway ends, we'll choose a winner for each prize by drawing random numbers from The more entries there are beside your name, the more chances you'll have to win something great!
Mulligan Stew. Put something into the pot, won't you? #ReecesRainbow #SpecialNeeds #DownSyndrome #Adoption -- Christine Sheffield (@momsheffield)
ReplyDeletetweeted! i will do more.. just getting going <3
Thank you for posting this Christine. I "need help" with Twitter so copied & pasted this to get the word out.
Deletefb shared. i will do more... <3
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful, Julia! I donated $35 total: $25 to the Heim family (BEAUTIFUL story...had me in tears) and $10 to sweet Bernadette. I so want to see her find her family. Also, I will share your Mulligan stew giveaway on FB as soon as I post this comment. I already added your button to my blog.
ReplyDeleteIt looks great, Julia! Shared on FB and on my blog, will be donating soon.
ReplyDeleteAdded link to my blog :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful opportunity to do what WE can in helping these families who are adopting these precious treasures! We donated $20 to the Heim Family and $10 to the Unroe Family. Amazing stories these families have and we want to bless them with what we can. I also have shared this giveaway on Twitter AND Facebook. :)
ReplyDeleteJulia this is wonderful! You are an amazing woman putting so much of your heart into this. I shared this on FB and hope to do more soon!
ReplyDeleteDonated a total of $35. I put Mulligan Stew on my blog ( and I've shared your blog posts on fb each day.
ReplyDeleteI donated $20 to Maria and the Heim family! And I shared on FB!
ReplyDeleteI shared it on Facebook, and am putting it on my blog!
ReplyDeleteDonated another $10 to the Menges family :)
ReplyDeleteI donated $100 ($25 each to the Heims, Menges, Burmans and Unroes.
ReplyDeleteI've also put the Mulligan Stew button on my blog's sidebar (the button is beautiful, by the way - I'll be writing a post about the giveaway to go with the button in the next few days.
I've also shared on facebook (Jessica Fields Rudder).
I should be able to do more before the 1st, so, keep my 'tab' open!
Donated to the Heim family; donated an extra $50 to another family.
ReplyDeleteShared on Twitter
Shared on FB
Great giveaway!
Donated to the Heim and Carpenter families and Harmony for a total of $35. Thank you, and bless you!
ReplyDeleteI also shared on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteDonated $100 total. $50 to the Heims and $25 each to Laurel and Emmitt.
ReplyDeletePraying for all the families and children. Thank you for keeping us updated on everyone's needs.
Donated $200 from my car fund to Laurel. I can keep taking the bus but she needs to get home.
ReplyDelete(sent a cheque, so it won't show up on the site right away, but it's in the mail)
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome giveaway! I'm donating $65 in Andrew's name :)
ReplyDeleteOk I donated $10 to the Unroe family... All I have right now. And shared Unroes on FB today. I will try to figure out how to share this on FB too and will continue to do more. Hope I win the $250 to donate to a child- can't think of a better prize!
ReplyDeleteOops...I donated to Harmony. Can it still be in honor of Andrew?
ReplyDeleteok I shared this on FB too!
ReplyDeleteDonated to the Heim family and Carpenter family 150$ total. Thank you for what you ar doing!
ReplyDeleteI donated to the Heim Family as well as Laurel--I have been donating to her anyway so I was excited she is being featured! (total of 150$). I read daily and get so excited watching the numbers climb!
ReplyDeleteI donated 150 to the Heim family and Laurel. I have been donating anyway for Laurel- so excited to see her featured! Let's see those numbers climb.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning - I was able to donate $20 to the Heim family :)
ReplyDeleteSmiles, DianeM
I shared on facebook and plan to donate as soon as I figure out how.
ReplyDeleteBE blessed
Ok figured it out. Donated 10.00 to Marie and 40.00 to the Burmans. Shared on facebook as well.
ReplyDeleteBE blessed
Donated (emailed the amount to you) and shared on facebook and on my blog! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI donated $20.00 to the Heim Family :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat precious children. We donated to the Heim family today. May the Lord bless and expedite their adoptions!
ReplyDeleteShared on Facebook and Blog!!
ReplyDeleteGoing to make a donation as soon as I can find where to do that. I am a little overwhelmed on this page....maybe it is due to my slow internet connection.
Awesome prices!!
Blogging and Facebooking right now....and I am making donation as soon as I find the button for it.
ReplyDeleteThis is a busy page....:):)
Just donated - $40 to Heim Family, $20 for my beloved Heath, $20 for Booth family. Will be blogging & the post will be shared on FB. If i do win a giveaway to benefit a child, please pick my little Heather whose grant is very low & hasn't moved at all in the last month.
ReplyDeleteJust donated $20 to the Unwin Family, wish it could be more
ReplyDeleteso sorry, that should have said Unroe - blame the chest infection!
ReplyDeleteI donated $50 to Jack, $25 to Harmony and $25 to Heath.
ReplyDeleteI know we can get them all over the wall today!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi, I just shared again on Facebook. (!/rhianonmat).
ReplyDeleteI also wanted to let you know that my husband and I have decided to adopt one of the other waiting children from Katie, Liliana, and Pam's orphanage. Her RR name is "Carissa". We're working right now to find the money for the inital commitment.
I'm so excited about this fundraiser. Well done!
How do I share on my facebook? I would love to share this right away!! 3 more days left before this is done so I'd like to get my friends to help out if they are able to.
ReplyDeleteHey Julia,
ReplyDeleteI donated $259. Thank you for all you do!!!
My husband and I donated $200 to the Unroe family. Praying that all these kids get home soon and safe!!!
ReplyDeleteDonated $100 to the Heim family
ReplyDeleteJodi J
Just donated $100 ($25 to the Heim family, $25 to the Brown family, $25 for Harmony, and $25 for Laurel). Thank you for all your work with this fundraiser; hope it ends on a high note today! =)
ReplyDeleteKimberly Hall