Friday, January 9, 2015

No Presents for Ian

It is soon his 16th birthday but there will be no cakes or balloons for him.  No presents.  Nothing. In fact turning 16 for him right now is a disaster!!
He has only a few days left and then he ages out. January 24th.

Is there room??  Anyone???  I so very much wish I could say I've seen him or someone else has seen him.  Last December when I was there I looked and looked but he was not in the group of boys they allowed me to meet. 
That has made it so hard to yell.
Oh Please please please someone SEE Dagmar!! 
He has only a few days left.
And someone PLEASE go get this boy!!
50102222707 Ian  Ian
He became available this week and my heart just stopped.  This is Ian.  He has arthrogryposis like Aaron.  It only affects his legs.  I've seen videos of this boy and several families have seen him and from what I've seen and have been told.... HE IS A TREASURE!!
You want to know what truly breaks my heart?
Ian has been available for adoption for years.  He has been asking and begging for a family for years.  Every single time the facilitator has come to his orphanage he has asked if she has found him a family.  For years.
But only this week was he listed on Reece's Rainbow.
Please let us not make him wait any longer. 
He is smart, is in school and can take care of all of his personal needs.  His legs are affected but he can walk.  He CAN walk!! 
Please someone SEE Ian.

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