Thursday, May 21, 2015


Sometimes plans change.
Sometimes staying home is better than one more trip on top of too many other trips. 
Sometimes God provides an opportunity for rest instead of running. 
I took the sometime and ran with it. I'm home. The Lord provided coverage for the convention so I didn't have to go.  Ben and two others are carrying the load.  Rob and I and the littles get to stay home and enjoy home.  I'm not complaining. 
Will you pray? Pray for this sweet boy? 
I have so much to share about a trip I took when I was in country.  I wanted to take my time and tell you the story of that trip and the boys I met.  But this little guy doesn't have the luxury of time.  His Reece's Rainbow name is Ben and he is desperate for a family.  He needs one NOW.  He is tiny. The tiniest six year old I have ever held in my arms.  They are trying their best to keep him alive. He has special caregivers and a special room and they are trying so hard to feed him so that he can retain  food, but they aren't equipped to meet his needs, and he isn't doing well.   
Please pray for tiny Ben.

He needs a family.  He desperately needs medical care. 
He is available for adoption. 
Sometimes stories have to wait and sometimes instead you just have to yell.  This is that sometime. 
Mama and Papa - where are you??  Please come rescue your son! He needs you!!  He is oh so precious.  Holding your son in my arms was an unbelievable privilege. So teeny and so so sweet.  He's so ready to soak up all the love you have to give to him!  Hurry! Hurry. He doesn't have time to wait.  He needs you now.
I have so much more to share about Ben's world. For now I ask you to please pray for him. Pray a family will bravely step up and answer the call to bring him home.  Pray and consider and donate.  He has a $1,000 matching grant so every donation to his grant account will be doubled!! 

Thank you.
Thank you!



  1. also talk about this sweet tiny boy. Praying for his family to step forward on faith, the kind of faith that moves mountains.

  2. I am glad you get to stay home to relax a bit.
    So sad for this little boy... Hope he will find a family.

  3. Could someone with a huge blog following share this? Maybe Linny at A Place Called Simplicity or Adeye at No Great Joy?

  4. Bible Orphan Ministry has also advocated for this little boy - their fundraising has helped provide him with his individual caregiver.

    So many good people working to help this child - now, who can help find his family?

    Thanks for featuring "Ben" in your blog - so glad you got to meet him. I failed to ask Alla about him when she visited recently, so am glad for your update. Just wish the news were better...

    Susan in Kentucky

  5. How are the other two adopting families from the auction? I recognized Pearson on Newly listed on RR..


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